Writing content related to environmental conservation for general public was a dream I had since the beginning of 2019. My work for the last 3 years have inspired me to begin this blog. I am passionate about writing and I believe that this blog will motivate its community to be bold and take actions towards conservation practises. iConservationist basically focuses on spreading the awareness among the communities on environmental conservation and environmentally related issues and conflicts. At the same time, it aims to enhance the knowledge on conservation science and environmental science throughout the general public.
This blog will be all about the environment. I am planning on writing about both floral and faunal world. Apart from that, common practices we can take to minimise the damage on environment will be discussed here to give you a practical exposure on conservation. Since I am from Sri Lanka I will especially focus on writing about the island’s endemics. I believe it will be a good approach since Sri Lanka is considered as a biodiversity hotspot; there are thousands of things to learn from this small island.
iConservationist is for anyone who is interested in environmental conservation. If you are really enthusiastic or inquisitive about the environment this will be your space. The younger generation will be a primary target because they have a huge responsibility in environmental conservation. As someone who represents the youth on this planet, I believe that we have to lead the process of environmental conservation. Hence, everybody is welcome to this platform and your ideas will be appreciated in here.
This is the beginning of my dream and in future, iConservationist will become a platform for youth to engage in conservation practises. I am planning on creating a volunteer group in near future to carry out more eco friendly activities throughout the island. Anyone who is interested in volunteering can reach me through an email. Do not forget to subscribe and follow both Facebook and Instagram accounts to access more entertaining content. I am excited to hear your thoughts. So, do not hesitate to write me!
Let us be environmentally responsible citizens! |
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